Historical visualization in the art of Manuel Krommenacker
Olivier Rieter Diadocchi wars Frenchman Manuel Krommenacker is a digital illustrator. He specializes in historical military subjects....
Interview with Ivica Stevanovic
Can you tell us about your career? I started my professional career by illustrating children's books — schoolbooks, textbooks and picture...
Interview with Tooba Rezaei
Can you tell us about your career? I have worked as a visual development artist, concept artist, illustrator, character designer and...
Interview with Craig Elliott
You are an artist. How is your art style related to the themes in your work? My style is related to the themes in my work in that I...
Interview with Ed Binkley
What is the secret of good concept art? Concept art is production work so it has concerns that might be less critical in illustration...
Interview with Barry E. Jackson
What is the secret to good concept art? Like all things in art, simplicity is most important. I always strive for a concept piece to be...
Interview met Hendrik Visser
Kunt u iets vertellen over uw loopbaan? In 2008 ronde ik mijn opleiding Autonoom Beeldende Kunst aan de Kunstacademie Minerva in...
Interview met Marlies Barends
Kunt u iets vertellen over uw opleiding en loopbaan? Ik kreeg pas erg laat door dat er daadwerkelijk kunstopleidingen bestonden! Mijn...
Interview met Ilse Gort
Kunt u iets vertellen over uw loopbaan tot nu toe? Tekenen is zolang ik mij kan herinneren een interesse geweest maar ik bedacht mij pas...
Aan het woord: Arthur Haas
We vroegen concept artist Arthur Haas iets te vertellen over zijn loopbaan, inspiratie en werkwijze en stelden hem de de vraag wanneer...